fredag 1. januar 2021

Topp 20 album i 2020!

 Beste album i 2020 (12 riddere deltok med kandidatlister):

1. Motorpsycho - The All Is One (133p)
2. Elder - Omens (83p)
3. Causa Sui - Szabodelico (78p)
4. The Good The Bad & The Zugly - Algorithm & Blues (74p)
5. Wobbler - Dwellers Of The Deep (72p)
6. Osees - Protean Threat (65p)
7. Envy - The Fallen Crimson (56p)
8. Idles - Ultra Mono (55p)
9. Kvelertak - Splid (51p)
10. Hedvig Mollestad - Ekhidna (44p)
11. Ole Paus (feat. Motorpsycho) - Så Nær, Så Nær (43p)
12. Rezn - Chaotic Divine (40p)
13. Svalbard - When I Die, Will I Get Better (38p)
14. Elephant Tree - Habits (37p)
14. Uffe Lorenzen - Magisk Realisme (37p)
16. Barrens - Penumbra (32p)
17. Kanaan - Double Sun (28p)
18. Enslaved - Utgard (27p)
18. Dwall - Gospel Of The Vile (27p)

Beste album 2020 - individuelle lister


Ridder Grosvold - lord av Glencoe:

Beste album 2020
1. Karg - Traktat.
2. Svalbard - When I die will it get better?
3. Afsky - Ofte jeg drømmer mig død.
4. Auđn - Vökudraumsins fangi.
5. Barrens - Penumbra.
6. Oberst - Paradis
7. Irist - Order of the mind.
8. Envy - The fallen crimson.
9. Myrkur - Folksange.
10. Bismarck - Oneiromancer.
11. Okkultokrati - La ilden lyse.
12. Paradise lost - Obsidian.
13. Yukon delta national wildlife refuge - Blitz sessions.
14. Crippled black phoenix - Ellengæst.
15. Dwaal - Gospel of the vile.
16. Elder - Omens.
17. Enslaved - Utgard.
18. Black rainbows - Cosmic ritual supertrip.
19. Pallbearer - Forgotten days.
20. Sleaford mods - All that glue.
21. Petshop boys - Hotspot.
22. Stein Torleif Bjella - Øvre-Ål toneakademi.
23. Taylor Swift - Evermore.
24. AC/DC - Power up.
25. Joshua Ray Walker - Glad you made it.
26. Blues pills - Holly Molly.
27. Wobbler - Dwellers of the deep.
28. Deathwithe - Grave image.
29. Huntsmen - Mandala of fear.
30. Emma Ruth Rundel & Thou - May our chambers

Beste låt 2020.
1. Celeste - Stop this flame.
2. Svalbard - Currancy of beauty.
3. Harakiri for the sky - I, pallbearer.
4. Karg - Alaska.
5. Blomst - Dagen du traff meg.
6. DVNE - Omega severer.
7. Avsky - Bondeplage.
8. Oberst - Vagabonds.
9. Sleaford mods - Second.
10. Yukon delta national wildlife refuge - Godthåb.

Beste musikalske opplevelser.
1. Rockens riddere møte 69 i sentralstyret. Siste og eneste fysiske møte i år før covid slo til og fordi det er et deilig tall🍆🌽🍌
2. Alle digitale møter i Rockens riddere.
3. Ridder Johansen d.e sin heroiske innsats for å ta knekken på brakkesjuka med å engasjere ridderene i å lage lister.

Ridder Johansen d.e:

Beste album 2020:

King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - K.G.
Hedvig Mollestad Thomassen - Ekhidna
Osees - Protean Threat
Envy - The Fallen Crimson
Motorpsycho - The All Is One
Causa Sui - Szabodelico
Uffe Lorenzen - Magisk Realisme
Kanaan - Double Sun
Yuri Gagarin - The Outskirts Of Reality
Fuzz - III
The Good The Bad & The Zugly - Algorithm & Blues
Old Man Gloom - Seminar IX: Darkness Of Being
Ellis Munk Ensemble: San Diego Sessions
Elder - Omens
Kanaan - Odense Sessions
Bridget Dawson & The Mothers Network - Ballet Of Apes
Ole Paus - Så Nær, Så Nær
Håkan Hellström - Rampljus
Dungen - Dungen Live
Steve Von Till - No Wilderness Deep Enough
Stein Torleif Bjella - Øvre-Ål Toneakademi
Colour Haze - We Are
Old Man Gloom - Seminar VIII: Light Of Meaning
Siena Root - The Secret Of Our Time
Kungens Män - Trappmusik
Kryptograf - Kryptograf
The Spacelords - The Spaceflowers
The Dogs - Crossmaker
Khruangbin - Mordechai
Kjellvandertonbruket - Doom Country
Älgarna Från Värmdalen - Din Sjæl Er Et Rumskib

5 beste musikalske øyeblikk 2020:
* Å se Hedvig Mollestad Thomassen både før og etter lock-down - råeste bandet på scenen i 2020!
* Å gjenoppdage Guy Clark!
* Å stramme inn på platekjøpene i 2020, og merke at de gamle skivene blomstret frem fra samlinga!
* Virkelig forstå hvor bra King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard er!
* Innse at samlinga ikke blir dårligere, men bedre!, av å få solgt unna det man ikke hører på!

Ridder Nordal:

2020 ALBUM
1. Ulver: «Flowers Of Evil»
2. Pet Shop Boys: «Hotspot»
3. Kvelertak: «Splid»
4. Perfume Genius: «Set My Heart On Fire Immediately»
5. Motorpsycho: «The All Is One»
6. Kylie Minogue: «Disco»
7. Ólafur Arnalds: «Some Kind Of Peace»
8. Colter Wall: «Western Swing & Waltzes And Other Punchy Songs»
9. Ásgeir: «Bury The Moon»
10. Austra: «Hirudin»
11. Paul Weller: «On Sunset»
12. Bruce Springsteen: «Letter To You»
13. Annie: «Dark Hearts»
14. Flora Cash: «Baby, It’s Okay»
15. Osees: «Protean Threat»
16. Laura Marling: «Song For Our Daughter»
17. Gorillaz: «Song Machine, Swanson One: Strange Timez»
18. Bob Dylan: «Rough And Rowdy Ways»
19. Cowboy Junkies: «Ghosts»
20. Jeff Tweedy: «Love Is The King»

Ridder Bergan:

The Ocean Collective : Phanerozoic II Mesozoic I Cenozoic
Idles : Ultra Mono
Lowrider : Refractions
Ellis Munk Ensemble : San Diego Sessions
JeGong : I
Color Haze : We Are
Causa Sui : Szabodelico
Pg.lost : Oscillate
Osees : Protean Threat
Motorpsycho : The All is One
Envy : The Fallen Crimson
Briquille : Quelle
Barrens : Penumbra
Electric Moon : Live at Freak Valley 2019
Charlton Melton : Where This Leads
Novarupta : Marine Snow
Christian Kjellvander, Tonbruket : Doom Country
Mythic Sunship : Changing Shapes
Kungens Man : Trappmusik
Psychonaut : Unfold the God Man
Domboshawa : Fyra
Lord Buffalo : Tohu Wa Bohu
Pallbearer : Forgotten Days
Occlith : Gates, Doorways, And Endings
Thomas V Jager : A Solitary Plan
The Cult of Doom Keller : Ascend!

Ridder Jupskås:

    2020 - året i plater    
1    Osees    Protean Threat
2    Idles    Ultra Mono
3    Kosmik Boogie Tribe    Let's Rock The Fuck Out!!! Vol. 1
4    The Good The Bad & The Zugly    Algorithm & Blues
5    The William Loveday Intention    People Think They Know Me But They Don't Know Me
6    Damaged Bug    Bug On Yonkers
7    Brigid Dawson & The Mothers Network    Ballet Of Apes
8    Osees    Metamorphosed
9    Kevin Morby    Sundowner
10    Flat Worms    Antarctica
11    Fuzz    III
12    Daniel Romano's Outfit    How Ill Thy World Is Ordered
13    Daniel Romano    Visions Of The Higher Dream
14    Mark Lanegan    Straight Songs Of Sorrow
15    Motorpsycho    The All Is One
16    Kvelertak    Splid
17    Wire    Mind Hive
18    Pottery    Welcome To Bobby's Motel
19    Caves Of Steel    Path To Ground
20    Pearl Jam    Gigaton
21    Steve Von Till    No Wilderness Deep Enough
22    Einstürzende Neubauten    Alles In Allem
23    Slift     Ummon
24    The Dogs    Crossmaker
25    Slomosa    Slomosa

    2020 - årets låter    
1    Krokodiles    Jesus Christ / Krokodiles EP
2    Osees    Said The Shovel
3    Sleaford Mods    Mork n Mindy
4    Osees    Terminal Jape
5    Nonne    Veien
6    Viagra Boys    Aint Nice
7    Sleaford Mods    Second
8    Osees    Upbeat Ritual
9    The Good The Bad & The Zugly    The Man Behind The (Oxygen) Mask
10    Osees    Red Study
11    Bad Slags    At My Age
12    The William Loveday Intention    My Father Was A Railroad Man
13    Idles    War
14    Brigid Dawson & The Mothers Netwotk    Ballet Of Apes
15    Gustaf    Mine

    2020 - årets konserter    
1    Osees    Levitation Sessions 26/9 - streamingkonsert
    Osees    Live at Big Sur 19/12 - streamingkonsert
2    Motorpsycho    RiP x4
3    Pottery    bylarm - revolver
4    Moving Oos     RiP
5    Apocalipstick NOW    RiP

Årets mann/beste koronamedisin/lykkepille: John P. Dwyer

Ridder Johansen d.y:

Black Line - Respire
Burn Embrace - Telepathy
Stillhedens Tårn - Offermose
Eremit - Neànder
Habits - Elephant Tree
When I die, will I get better? - Svalbard
Ellengæst - Black Crippled Phoenix
Control - Tesa
The Fallen Crimson - Envy
Splid - Kvelertak
Toward the Sun - Garganjua
Omens - Elder
Music for working out - Aiming for Enrike
Algorithm & blues - The good the bad and the zugly
In Mountains - Kohib
Penumbra - Barrens
Captured Spirits - Mammal Hands
Senicarne - Fall of Messiah
Tohu Wa Bohu - Lord Buffalo
Rattle Snake Milk - Rattle Snake Milk

Show Pony - Orville Peck
Strange to explain- Woods
Deleter - Holy Fuck
Øvre-Ål Toneakademi - Stein Torleif Bjella
1000 Island - Daudfødt
Mount Pleasant - Solkyri
The Outskirts of Reality - Yuri Gagarin
Odense Sessions - Kanaan
RTJ4 - Run The Jewels
Quelle - Briqueville
Ghosts of West Virginia - Steve Earle
Long in the Tooth - The Budos Band
Pyramid - Jaga Jazzist
Gospel of the vile - Dwaal

Årets sanger 2020:
Cicatrice - Respire (Black Line)
Bird - Elephant Tree (Habits)
Sjælens Ruin - Offermose (Stilhedens Tårn)
Juleblot - Kvelertak (Jul på kutoppen OST)

Årets Øyeblikk 2020:
* Kvelertak: "El gitar kåm an", sitat slutt. Hentet fra sangen Bråtebrann.
* Utgi plate med Caves of Steel og faktisk spille konsert i 2020. Takk RiP!

Årets live-album 2020:
* Live drugs - The War on Drugs
* Idiot Prayer - Nick Cave
* 10 years gone - Deafheaven


Ridder Nyberg:

Beste album 2020:
1. Wobbler  - Dwellers of the deep
2. Enslaved - Utgard
3. Dwaal - Gospel of the vile
4. Hymn - Breach us
5. Me & That Man - New man, new songs, same shit vol.1
6. Sodom - Genesis XIX
7. Green Carnation - Leaves of yesteryear
8. Blues Pills - Holy Moly!
9.  Drive By Truckers - The unraveling
10. Testament - Titans of creation
11. Sepultura - Quadra
12. Neil Young - Homegrown
13. Sòlstafir - Endless twilight of codependent love
14. AC/DC - Power Up
15. My Dying Bride - Ghost of Orion

Beste låter 2020:
1. Wobbler - Merry macabre
2. Enslaved - Jettegryta
3. Dwaal - Gospel of the vile
4. Me & That Man - Deep down South
5. Testament - WWIII

Ridder Aasheim:

2020 topp 25 album.
1    Phoebe Bridgers - Punisher
2    Uffe Lorenzen - Magisk Realisme
3    Ole Paus & Motorpsycho - Så nær, så nær
4    Kjellvandertonbruket - Doom Country
5    Motorpsycho - The All Is One
6    Vilde Græs - Vestenvind
7    Tobin Sprout - Empty Horses
8    I’m Kingfisher - The Past Has Begun
9    The Good The Bad & The Zugly - Algorithm & Blues
10    Nadia Reid - Out Of My Province
11    Bright Eyes - Down In The Weeds, Where The World Once Was
12    Stephen Malkmus - Traditional Techniques
13    Drive-By Truckers - The Unraveling
14    AJJ - Good Luck Everybody
15    Torgeir Waldemar - Love
16    Fiona Apple - Fetch The Bolt Cutters
17    Solstafir - Endless Twilight Of Codependent Love
18    Franska Trion - Är Det Konstigt?
19    Chuck Prophet - The Land That Time Forgot
20    Car Seat Headrest - Making A Door Less Open
21    Mark Lanegan - Straight Songs Of Sorrow
22    Thurston Moore - By The Fire
23    Perfume Genius - Set My Heart On Fire Immediately
24    Matt Berninger - Serpentine Prison
25    Cordovas - Destiny Hotel

Ridder Skogbakken:

1. The Good The Bad and The Zugly - Algorithm & blues
2. The Yum Yums - For those about to pop
3. Lucy and The Rats - Get lucky
4. The Putz - Rise and shine
5. The Queers - Save the world
6. Giant Eagles - Second landing
7. BITHAMMER! - Minimum style, maximum effort
8. The Skullingtons - En
9. IDLES - Ultra mono
10. Sex swing - Type II
11. Neon Bone - Make it last
12. Screeching Weasel - Some freaks of atavism
13. Capgun Heroes - Who the fuck are these dorks?
14. gizmo - Argus panoptes
15.The Gungans - Meesameesameesa!
16. Total Rejects - Total Rejects
17. Daggers - Neon noir erotica
18. The Raging Nathans - Oppositional defiance
19. Raging Speedhorn - Hard to kill
20. Einstürzende Neubauten - ALLES IN ALLEM

1. TheYum Yums - She's got everything
2. Giant Eagles - Bloodlust tonight
3. Frank Turner - Falling in love
4. The Good The Bad and The Zugly - Fake noose
5. Gill Landry - The place they call home
6. Annie - American cars
7. BITHAMMER! - Why!
8. Pink Mountaintops - Comas - redux
9. The Raging Nathans - One day closer (to death)
10. Lucy and The Rats - Not one tear
11. The Queers - Bubblegum girl
12. The Skullingtons - Mentally challenged
13. Capgun Heroes - Judy
14. The Putz - Laserblast
15. Neon Bone - Baby don't you cry
16. Raging Speedhorn - Spitfire
17. The Drowns - Them Rats
18. The Sadies - The most despicable man alive
19. IDLES - War
20. Hot Snakes - I shall be free
21. Self Defense Family - PARTMAXIMUM
22. Göttemia - Total eclipse of the brain
23. Mimikry - Samma bur som i går
24. gizmo - Bluntforceheadtrauma
25. Green/Blue - Return
26. Public Enemy - State of the union (STFU)
27. The Two Tens - Till the end of the day
28. The Exbats - Doorman
29. Dalaplan, Mattias Areskog - Tur pengarna snart är slut
30. Grim Deeds - April fools
31. Daggers - Back alley sacrament
32. Wire - Be like them
33. Fontaines D.C. - I don't belong
34. Sex Swing - Skimmington ride
35. Tottal Tømming - Skremm de kristne
36. Destination Lonely - I want you
37. Green Day - Oh yeah!
38. The Mark Vodka Group - Now I wanna be a bad boy
39. Anti-Lam Front - Hold kjeft og resigner
40. Outtacontroller - Operator
41. Tear Them Down - Victimized
42. Ho99o9 - Pigs want me dead
43. King Khan, Bloodshot Bill - I'm rich bitch
44. Uniform - Delco
45. Protomartyr - I am you now
46. Viagra Boys - In spite of ourselves
47. Dangerface - Bad ideas
49. DeeCracks - Just wanna play
49. The Gungans - Action figure collection
50. The Residents - Die! Die! Die!


Ridder Holberg:

Best of 2020;
1. Wobbler «Dwellers of the deep»
2. Elder «Omens»
3. Motorpsycho «The all is one»
4. Sturgill Simpson «Cuttin’ grass vol. 1»
5. Causa sui «Szabodelico»
6. Forming the void «Reverie»
7. Rezn «Chaotic divine»
8. Kanaan «Double sun»
9. Kvelertak «Splid»
10. Jonathan Wilson «Dixie Blur»
11. Slift «Ummon»
12. Oranssi Pazuzu «Mestarin Kynsi»
13. Sturgill Simpson «Cuttin’ gras vol. 2» (fysisk release i 2021)
14. Jaga Jazzist «Pyramid»
15. Daniel Romano «How ill thy world is ordered»

Ridder Tormodsgard-Henriksen:

- Motorpsycho: all is one
- Hedvig Mollestad: Ekhidna
- Elder: Omens
- Ole Paus: Så nær, så nær
- Nick Cave: Idiot Prayer
- Causa Sui: Szabodelico
- Paul McCartney: 3
- Fra det onde: Fra det onde

- TRASS: Søppel Joe (singel)
- Motorpsycho: X-mastime is here

Ridder Skogen:

1.REZN - Chaotic Divine
2.Wobbler - Dwellers of the Deep
3.Elephant Tree - Habits
4.Motorpsycho - All is One
5.Elder - Omens
6.Gazpacho - Fireworker
7.Isahn - Telemark
8.Causa Sui - Szabodelico
9.All them witches - Nothing as an ideal
10.Pallbearer -  Forgotten days