søndag 30. mai 2021

RR #61 Drammen

Vert: Ridder Mather

Dato: 27.05.21

1. Led Zeppelin: The Rain Song 8.0

1. Jordsjø: Skumring 8.0

2. TRASS & Tante Pose: Skogen Den Grønne 7.8

3. The Beatles: Strawberry Fields Forever 7.5

3. Gojira: New Found 7.5

3. Ljudan Innan: Storm Corrosion 7.5

3. Krokofant & Ståle Storløkken: Q-Part3: 7,5

4. Mathiesen Fiset: One More: 7.3

4. Alice In Chains: No Excuse 7.3

4. Motorpsycho: Mad Sun 7.3